About the author

Harrison Jones began his aviation career in 1967 when he was employed by a major airline as an aircraft mechanic. While working as a mechanic, he took flying lessons and obtained his commercial license with multi-engine and instrument ratings. Soon thereafter he became a flight instructor and taught flying for more than ten years. Along the way he was licensed to fly gliders and seaplanes. In 1972 he accepted a position with the airline as a pilot ground school instructor and taught aircraft systems until 1976 when he was accepted as a pilot with the company.


As an airline transport pilot he was type rated in the DC-9, B-757, B-767 and the MD-11. He retired as an international captain with more than 20,000 hours in the cockpit, after extensive flying to Asia, Europe, South America and the Middle East. 

His aviation career, along with a previous enlistment in the US Navy, lends credibility to his writing in Equal Time Point and his recently released Shadow Flight. Realism and plausibility are major ingredients throughout the novels. 

After being away from home for countless holidays, birthdays and other family celebrations, Harrison now lives in Georgia with his wife, Diane, and enjoys writing and spending time with his grandchildren with emphasis on the latter.


  1. Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will have to check out your novels. Reading is my second passion since I learned how to fly. I got to meet Joe Clark while I was in Florida for my first time in Feb. of this year. I would have loved to have him as a flight instructor.

    Great picture of you and the grandkids. I love spending time with my grandson. Can’t wait until he’s old enough to go flying with me. Jeanne

    • Thanks J, I have a blast with the grandkids. They keep me busy and I love it. I look forward to reading your blog.

  2. I just finished Shadow Flight. It was amazingly good. I could not put it down. As a pilot and aircraft owner (N685V) and a member of CAP (NER-NY-379/CC), I found everything plausible and believable. I could relate to the characters and the airplanes. If you ever find yourself in NYC, I hope you’ll consider visiting my squadron (www.falconsquadron.org). Thanks for the great writing.

    • Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Shadow Flight was one of my favorite projects and I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  3. I just read Equal Time Point followed by The Pilot Class. I read a lot and am currently writing my first novel. You are an incredible writer. I’m 77 with a commercial pilot’s license (FAA) but now living in Ireland. The EU does not recognise an FAA license so I’m pretty much grounded. I’ve owned several aircraft and miss the flying. From aviation I went into electronics and then programming and with a previous military background from enlisted to officer I have a lot of experience I hope to translate into my book (scifi novel… The Swallows of Mars) with the skill and subtlety you have. What I like most is the fact you don’t condescend to the reader with obvious explanations of technical issues but rather, you embed the clarity in your stories. So, I have a question… what discipline(s) do you follow for writing? Do you have a set time daily where you are not disturbed, take notes in your sleep, outline your story, wing it? … Thanks for your talent.

    • Hi Stan,
      Thank you for the kind words and for taking time to comment. Like yourself, I try to draw from my experience to create interesting story lines. I do like to find quiet time to write when possible, but sometimes when I think of a plot line I try to get in on paper regardless of circumstances. Sometimes that does happen in the middle of the night, and I try to at least jot down a few notes to keep it fresh. Attempting to outline is probably a good idea, but I honestly find it boring and once I start a project, it never follows what I imagined anyway. I do try to build a character list before I begin and imagine what their part will be in the plot. I think of a manuscript as having two main elements. One is descriptive narrative to identify time and place as well as situational awareness, and the other is dialogue between characters. I enjoy dialogue much more than descriptive narrative. I usually find that if I unleash the characters and let them converse, they will do a better job of descriptive narrative than I can. I might be tempted to describe the wallpaper and carpet in a room, but the characters are not interested in that and neither is the reader. Hopefully the characters will live on in the reader’s mind long after the narrative ends. I wish you all the very best with your project and look forward to seeing your work when it’s published.
      Fraternally, Harrison

      • Wow… thanks for the email Harrison. YES… exactly. I find trying to outline boring and indeed, as with any ‘venture’ in life you never know where the first step will take you so other than a reasonable idea of your direction there’s no point in trying to draw a map for unexplored territory. I also agree completely with the dialog approach but I especially appreciated your comment about the reader having no interest in the wallpaper or carpet… a subtle but very instructive comment. Funny, for ‘The Swallows of Mars’ I created a character list and jotted down a few notes… then I just began writing. Creativity is a funny thing. Some parts are obvious but others can only be attributed to magic. So many creative people, especially artists and writers will comment much of what they create… they can’t tell you where it comes from. I’m looking forward to you perhaps reading the book when I get it done. This isn’t a shoot em up or starship captain nonsense. It’s more in line with ‘The Martian’. If I can email you directly I’d like to forward my prolog for your thoughts. No worries if you’re too busy. Thanks, Stan

      • Sounds like a great project, Stan. Feel free to email me at harrisonbooks@numail.org

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